Williams Appointed as ABA Subcommittee Co-Chair
Jed Williams, a shareholder of Hornberger Fuller & Garza Incorporated, has been appointed co-chair of the American Bar Association Fiduciary Duties Subcommittee, part of the Business Torts Committee of the ABA’s Section of Litigation Committee. His appointment is for the 2012-2013 bar year.
“I am pleased to increase my involvement with this ABA subcommittee and the Business Torts Committee and the opportunity to gain further insights and network with other attorneys from across the country concerning the important area of fiduciary duty law and its relationship to business tort litigation as a whole,” said Mr. Williams.
Mr. Williams is a member of the HSG trial section, whose members represents clients and practice in the area of business tort litigation, including fiduciary duty litigation. Representative cases include trust and estate litigation and shareholder and partnership disputes.
“I expect that my involvement in this subcommittee will help our firm’s trial section stay abreast of cutting edge developments in these areas of law that are of vital importance and relevance to our corporate and individual clients who are engaged in fiduciary relationships,” added Mr. Williams.